SUPER SSD AUTOMATIC CHEMICALS AND LABORATORY CALL ON +27787153652 BUY THE SUPER SSD CHEMICAL THAT CLEANS BLACK NOTES (MONEY) IN USA -EUROPE -UK -ASIA- CHINA -AND -MIDDLE EAST. We are worldwide leader in the chemical industry. We are the major supplier s of heavy duty Industrial Chemicals such as; SSD Solution Activation Powder Anti Breeze Formula Supreme Solution Universal Solution Purity Virgin silver/Red/White liquid mercury. Our products are mainly used in Gold Mines Cleaning of black currency notes etc. We supply the most potent SSD Universal Chemical Solution Anti Air Activation Powder activating powders for cleaning all types of defaced notes black notes anti-breeze stamped marked or stained currency. Universal Ssd Chemical Solution For Sale Call On +27787153652 BUY ORIGINAL SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION FOR CLEANING DEFACE CURRENCY IN Minneapolis -Mississippi- Sandton -Idaho -USA- South Africa -Norway .We are perfect in development and cleansing of defaced currencies:Black/green/yellow e.g. defaced money of any currency: Dollars Euro-Pounds etc. We give life to defaced bills irrespective of kinds and Conditions, We have stocks of Chemicals for sell vi3: Chemical Liquids / Chemical Powders Injections Chemicals/powders to any one that has defaced currency to develop in his company house/office by cleansing all the negative Bills to normal currency. We have automatic sensor metabolic machine for instant development with Chemical Liquid / for urgent cleansing within 2Hrs to normal currency. We also buy and sale any type of defaced currency.SELLING SSD Chemical SOLUTIONS AT GOOD PRICES CALL ON +27787153652 SSD CHEMICALS SOLUTION FOR CLEANING BLACK STAINED NOTES IN DUBAI -Jordan-Kuwait- Turkey- Belgium- Saudi Arabia, SSD CHEMICAL FOR CLEANING BLACK STAINED MONEY+27787153652 . We sell SSD Chemical Solution used to clean all type of blackened tainted and defaced bank notes. Our technicians are highly qualified and are always ready to handle the amicable is 100% pure. We clean all currencies like the Euro USD GBP POUNDS-RAND and many other currencies.Please do contact us for more information so that we can better serve you.We send our Technician/chemists if possible to your Country with all the Chemicals required for washing your Defaced Black Currency. Also available are .S.S. D. Automatic Solution Castro X Oxide A5 Activation Powder Vectrol Paste 003 Tobi-Masonic Ttz Universal Solution Zita S4 Ks Solution Ogl Magic.EXOTIC SSD CHEMICAL is a mufti-program international laboratory operated by worldwide Science Associates for the U.S.Department of Currency (DOC)EXOTIC SSD CHEMICAL has well over 750 working scientists engineers-technicians and support staff and over 120 guest researchers annually.For more information please .
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